Tuesday, February 12, 2008

4 steps to teach ur dog high five action

How to Clicker Train a High Five


Teaching your dog to do tricks reinforces obedience and strengthens your bond with your dog. Clicker training a high five is fun and easy. This behavior can also be varied to become a "shake" and a "wave".

Things You'll Need

  • Clicker savvy dog
  • Clicker
  • Treats


Step One
Begin clicker training a high five by selecting which paw you would like him to lift and click and treat the movement of that paw only. Do this for a few minutes and take a break.

Step Two
Click and treat only paw lifting. Once he seems to understand that lifting his paw is the correct behavior, you may now place your hand near his paw, and wait for him to touch it.

Step Three
Click and treat your dog for lifting his paw while you have your hand near him.

Step Four

High five Cooper!

Click and treat only when your dog's paw touches your hand. Once he does this consistently, you may add the verbal cue "high five". Say the cue as you click the behavior.

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