How to lose 10 pounds in two weeks
Nothing is more motivating to lose 10 pounds than a wedding, class reunion, fantastic vacation in Hawaii or a recent unflattering photo in your swimsuit. This summer all of these things are happening to me, so I had to figure out how to lose ten pounds and fast. Here's what worked for me...
Things You'll Need:
- Will power, determination, discipline, a good place to work out and an honest look in the mirror.
Step One
Empty out the refrigerator and cupboards of bad food. You won't be cheating, so no need to keep the cookies, candy, soda, chips, etc. It's hard to throw 'em out, but you'll know you're committed once you do.
Step Two
Plan out your diet. Stay away from carbs, which is the common trend now. I try to stay under 28 grams per day, which is basically a sandwich at lunch with some vegetables. Eat eggs, chicken, steak, pork chops and vegetables. I got so tired of chicken that i found ways to cook steak and pork chops for dinner. And that salad you eat, no salad dressing!!! Use lemon juice instead, it tastes fine and is much healthier for you.
Step Three
Be disciplined with your daily routines. Work out and eat at normal times so you're sure to get in what you need every day. Don't eat late, over eat or make too much food. Walk when you can, walk to the bank, the grocery store, your friends house, video store, etc. There's no reason to waste good weather anyway!!!
Step Four
The workout. If you don't work out, you'll just be kidding yourself. Do good cardio, meaning aerobics classes, bicycling, running, etc. Personally, I think those elliptical machines are a waste of time, but that's just my opinion. Go to the gym and make sure your diligent with your workouts.
Step Five
This last one is too easy... Drink water! Stay away from the sodas, including diet soda. Juices are good but have lots of sugar and carbs in them. Eventually, your mouth will crave water and it will taste the best for you.
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