Tuesday, February 12, 2008

6 steps to buy a Toshiba laptop

How to Buy a Toshiba Laptop


Toshiba has made a name for itself by designing and selling high quality laptops. Students, gamers and business owners can find Toshiba laptops suited to their needs by following these steps.


Step One
Think about the amount of processing power necessary to run efficiently. A less expensive model equals less processing power. This is adequate for using email, word-processing and other general computing. The Satellite A200-ST2042 is an option.

Step Two
Analyze the type of projects commonly performed on your laptop. A mid-range laptop is sufficient for most games, multi-media applications, DVD burning and general computing. The Portege R500-S5004 is a well priced high performance model.

Step Three
Consider the need for mobility. Buy a light and portable model if you travel frequently with the laptop. The Satellite M205-S3217 weighs about 5 1/5 pounds.

Step Four
Look at Toshibadirect website to find a model that suits your needs. Find a store in the vicinity that sells that particular laptop. See Resources below.

Step Five
Go to the store and test out the Toshiba laptop. Ensure that the laptop's ergonomic design fits your usage and style.

Step Six
Compare prices at Toshiba's homepage and at large electronics stores. Ask about rebates and student discounts. Find out about maintenance programs and support.

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