Tuesday, February 12, 2008

5 steps to teach ur dog hot to stand

How to Clicker Train a Stand


Using clicker training to teach your dog to stand can be useful during vet visits, for dog shows, and when you are in a busy environment with your dog. Clicker training a dog to stand will make this behavior more reliable off leash and at a distance than using leash corrections or pulling him up by his collar.

Things You'll Need

  • Clicker savvy dog
  • Clicker
  • Treats


Step One
Clicker train your dog to stand using a food lure. With your dog in the sitting position in front of you, hold a treats just in front of his nose.

Step Two
Move your hand away from his nose slowly. As he comes to a standing position, click and give him the treat. Ask him for a sit and you can do another repetition.

Step Three
If his stay behavior is very strong and he is hesitant to stand, click and treat him for moving his head toward the treat.

Step Four
When he has successfully stood 3 times, do the same steps without a treat in your hand. Have the treat on a table, or in your pocket. Place your hand above in front of his nose, move it away from him, click and treat when he stands.

Step Five
To add a verbal cue for this behavior, say the word "stand" wait three seconds, give the hand signal you have been using. Click and treat when he stands. Do this three times. Wait longer between the verbal cue and the hand signal. Say "stand" one time, and wait. If you do not get a response in ten seconds, give the hand signal, click and treat. Eventually your dog will grow impatient of waiting for the hand signal and will respond to the verbal cue.

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