Friday, February 8, 2008

5 steps to treat infertility using chinese medicine

How to Treat Infertility Through Chinese Medicine


Ancient Chinese medical texts record infertility treatments that date back nearly 2,000 years. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers both men and women a variety of options to treat their infertility by correcting the impeded flows of energy and the hormonal and elemental imbalances thought to be at their root. TCM is an ancient but still effective medical system that relies on treatments like herbal remedies and acupuncture. Follow these steps to learn more about its infertility treatments.

Understand Chinese Medicine's View of Infertility

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet access


Step One
Familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts behind traditional Chinese medicine. An understanding of Yin and Yang theory and the Five Elements theory are essential.

Step Two
Learn about the basic principles that the traditional Chinese view of the human body. The concepts of the Meridian system (energy pathways within the body), Qi (fundamental life energy) and temperature (hot and cold) are particularly relevant to infertility treatments.

Step Three
Know the three basic systemic causes of infertility in traditional Chinese medical thought: hormonal deficiencies, energy blockage and improper proportions of hot and cold temperature influences.

Treat Infertility Using Traditional Chinese Medicine


Step One
Consult an acupuncture specialist. Chinese medicine treats both male and female infertility through the "Conception Meridian," which will be unblocked, allowing for the readier flow of Qi to facilitate fertility.

Step Two
Be aware of acupressure techniques that can help you. Applying pressure that affects the kidneys, liver and spleen are believed to aid fertility in both sexes.

Step Three
Visit a Chinese herbology expert. He or she will be glad to educate you on the various herb and root combinations that can be used to release your qi, correct hormonal or chemical imbalances and adjust your hot and cold temperature levels to get you on the road to parenthood.

Step Four
Know that the non-combative martial arts Qigong and Tai Chi are frequently prescribed to augment female fertility.

Step Five
Educate yourself. Read Jane Lyttleton's book, "Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine" (see Resources below). The more you know, they better you'll be able to treat infertility through Chinese medicine.

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